Saturday, February 21, 2009

Knights in Shining Armor

Na na na na na na na na na na na na....BATMAN!
Matthew as Iron Man with the tin foil rolls for weapons.
The wicked pringleator!
Weilding the swords with my meat mallet.

My boys love weapons. It's all about the gear! I would rather put it this way than to say that they are violent. They just really dig action. Last week I bought three boxes of aluminium foil and they forged swords and armor for themselves, (and Peter put on his Batman gear.)


Kimberly Pace Henderson said...

The pringleator is definitely my favorite - Jane loooved this post. I also loved the creative usage of the meat mallet. Nice.

breedinglilacs said...

I wish Kimball had his four Liechty cousins close by to make weapons with. Four boxes of tin foil would be expensive. Did you buy it at Costco? I can't wait to see you boys.