I started reading again. After creeping through two or three books this last half a year that I still haven't finished and turning down month after month of two different book clubs, I picked up a book called The Faith Club which I have wanted to read for years. It's engaging for me since it talks about the relationship between Islam, Judaism and Christianity.
I am working on several songs with my voice teacher in anticipation of a Spring/Summer concert at the temple visitors center in Maryland. Two of the songs are in Italian (considerably easier to learn than French) including a long time favorite, "O Mio Babbino".
I started a personal history at dad's request, so that he can include it in his own autobiography. Dad asked for four or five pages from each of us, however I am at six just on my first eight or so years of life. I am really enjoying this, and trying to make it well written.
Along with this project I have felt a renewed fervor for scrapbooking which I haven't done for years. I want to put together my own pre-married life scrapbook now, since each of the boys have one of their early childhood years.
And now, here I am in my jammies at 11:30 Saturday morning working on my third post for the day. You know, it must be that I am finally on top of this virus that layed me and my kids up for a week.
Anyhow, we'll see how long this motivation to be overly occupied lasts. Life is so full, so rich already, these distractions can most often add to the joy but can on occassion get in the way. I think the ebb and flow of it all is natural and good, and if one thing is certain, we should not feel required to overextend ourselves by comparing or guilt.
Happy Spring! We look forward to our cherry blossom and Dogwood visitors!
Good for you! I applaud your ambition and wish you the very best success. Please tell me when your Visitor's Center concerts are because I'd love to come.
Hooray for Spring!
I love the new posts. Very fun pictures. I am so glad to hear all that you are working on. It sounds great. I need your motivation. Send some my way. I'll take it. Spring hasn't arrived hear yet. Maybe when it does I will spring into action. Plus, I have a cold, so my life is the couch and Netlix. Spencer likes it, but it is not forever. Anyway, I'm happy for you. Keep in touch.
Wow! Three new posts and lots of great things happening in your life! Your boys are so creative - I love that you bought them a bunch of tinfoil. The creme brulee looks amazing! I have never tried making it myself. I'm inspired. We don't have a torch, though :-( The broiler maybe...anyway I pulled some of my old Indigo Girls albums. Brought back a ton of memories...fun. Good luck with all your new projects!
Becca! I love this post! Will you please write my life history for me? If you write it then the facts will be straight - no stealing your memories . . .
I forgot to comment on your blog background color - I love it. So fresh and Springy!
It sounds like you have been ovulating. I am so glad you are singing and reading, two of my favorite pasttimes. I just wish I could sing like you.
(In a field of Barley above Florence, preferrably)
Well done on starting so many exciting ventures in your life.
Rebecca, I was cleaning out my desk and found a little slip of paper with your blog address on it! :) What a great post about all the exciting things you're doing! I'm so excited for you about finishing your degree- it reminds me of Obama saying everyone should get 1 more year of education or training than they already have. Hmmmmm what ambitious thing could I do? :)
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