Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Spring memories
I love April in Virginia! The Red Bud, the dark Sugar Gum blossoms, the forsythia and peeking green. I found these pictures from this last spring and wanted to share them.
The first are from a road trip we took to the Shenendoah's during Spring Break. James found an old turn of the century Bed and Breakfast where we were the only guests for the night. It was quaint and charming and I felt transported to the past.
These next are from our annual trip to see the cherry blossoms downtown. The Jefferson Memorial sits on the tidal basin which is the center for the cherry blossoms. The trees surround the basin with a walking path just beneath. My camera didn't capture the beauty of the evening. It was truly magnificent.
Grandma Suzy
Yesterday was Grandma Suzy's birthday and I wanted to honor her and thank her as a wonderful grandmother! She loves my boys so much and would do anything for them. And she does! She is an incredibly talented seamstress and has helped me so with lots of little projects. When she was visiting a month ago, she happened to arrive just in tme to make Jonny a very cool cloak for medieval day. Here are pictures of her work and as you see she didn't stop with Jonny's cloak, she made one for each of the boys. I am glad they will have these to remember her always and the talent and love she shares. Isn't she amazing?!
I included a picture of the dragon Jonny drew for the day as well.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Steph and Tam flew to North Carolina on May first. Sarah flew in that night and I drove down, picked her up at the airport and took her to Kim's. The five of us were together for a whole week! What a dream. It was more fun than I have had in my lifetime! I was grateful they all willingly came up to DC for three days as well. Kim and I live in the Garden of Eden states and we enjoyed the trees and flowers especially. Here we are all together in my newly arranged Towanda living room!
Coffee House Poetry Night
I love Mrs. Markon! Jonny's Fifth Grade teacher is an amazing woman who had mentored her class with so much love, enthusiasm, inspiration and brilliance that it is a phenomenal place for the students there. They have all thrived under her tutelage and she believes so much in the kids that their lives are empowered. Jonny has become quite the writer this year as was evidenced last night at the class coffee house/poetry reading. One boy strummed the guitar and another beat bongo drums for emphasis during the readings. Each kid had on a groovy black coffee house t-shirt and a black beret. They all read a poem they had written about themselves and several kids read an additional poem they had written. The audience was only allowed to snap in keeping with the cool atmosphere and we were encouraged to have our tissues ready! It was a wonderful evening. Here are Jonny's poems:
I Am Jonny
I am dreaming and imaginative.
I wonder what the world holds from us.
I hear the sound of battle.
I hear explosions.
I want to become one with my imagination.
I am dreaming and imaginative.
I pretend I am a dragon.
I feel calm.
I touch an array of objects.
I worry for the environent.
I cry for peace.
I am dreaming and imaginative.
I understand not, why we have war.
I say things.
I dream wonders.
I try to write this.
I hope for the second coming.
I am dreaming and imaginative.
on the lighter side.....
The Origin of Turdzilla
An Epic
By Jonny Liechty
Once Godzilla the evil one
Had a lunch of sticky buns
And made a turd
And made a turd
Without a word.
The city dump
Made the jump
With some toxic waste
And radioactive paste
Turdzilla grew
Made out of pooh.
He sought material waste
To fill his hungry face
And wandered off
To parts unknown
Without a trace or a
Single bone.
And that is why
No babies cry
Because of Turdzilla
Son of the evil one.
Rather Silversteinish eh?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
A new Spring
I started reading again. After creeping through two or three books this last half a year that I still haven't finished and turning down month after month of two different book clubs, I picked up a book called The Faith Club which I have wanted to read for years. It's engaging for me since it talks about the relationship between Islam, Judaism and Christianity.
I am working on several songs with my voice teacher in anticipation of a Spring/Summer concert at the temple visitors center in Maryland. Two of the songs are in Italian (considerably easier to learn than French) including a long time favorite, "O Mio Babbino".
I started a personal history at dad's request, so that he can include it in his own autobiography. Dad asked for four or five pages from each of us, however I am at six just on my first eight or so years of life. I am really enjoying this, and trying to make it well written.
Along with this project I have felt a renewed fervor for scrapbooking which I haven't done for years. I want to put together my own pre-married life scrapbook now, since each of the boys have one of their early childhood years.
And now, here I am in my jammies at 11:30 Saturday morning working on my third post for the day. You know, it must be that I am finally on top of this virus that layed me and my kids up for a week.
Anyhow, we'll see how long this motivation to be overly occupied lasts. Life is so full, so rich already, these distractions can most often add to the joy but can on occassion get in the way. I think the ebb and flow of it all is natural and good, and if one thing is certain, we should not feel required to overextend ourselves by comparing or guilt.
Happy Spring! We look forward to our cherry blossom and Dogwood visitors!
Creme Brulee
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